In the magical world of LandLand Jimbob found a special chain (which turned out to be an alien parasite), that allowed him to obtain the powers of his enemies. He set on a mission to use his newfound power for good (did he?) and kill Bob the dragon. (Bob did nothing wrong, but hey, Jimbob did it anyway)

A/D to move left and right

Space/W to jump

Left click, Right click and F to use your abillities

R to interact

Esc to pause

E to use the chain


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I got the WR 3:07. Pretty fun game

WR verified, actually 3:05 after loading screen removal

I failed the dragon skip tho, unlucky

I think this is a really neat idea for a game mechanic and seems like something worth exploring in more detail sometime. A neat game, good job!

Cool idea, would be cool to be able to keep their powers after them dying, but only until mimicking new ones. The art´s not bad but the platforms could be more easy to acess.